Abstract: 【Objective】 Taking forest absorption of smoke and dust as an example, this study empirically examined the effects of smoke and dust on the related diseases of residents’ respiratory system, thus quantitatively analyzed of the relationship between air pollution and public health.【Method】 A literature review and qualitative analysis were conducted to explore respiratory-related diseases caused by air pollution, forest affect human health by reducing air pollutants. In addition, using panel data from China, a quantitative analysis was carried out to estimate the effects on public health of dust by OLS, panel model, 3SLS. Especially, using 3SLS method to overcome endogenous problem caused by emissions of particulate matter, thus more accurately evaluate the negative impact of environmental pollution on public health, and effectively explain the regional heterogeneity. Finally, using different emissions as an instrument to estimate the robustness of the result , ensure the reliability of conclusions. 【Result】 1) OLS estimates show that the impact on public health of dust is very significant: as the smoke and dust emissions increase 1%,the number of people dying from lung cancer and respiratory diseases corresponding increase 0.568% and 0.488%,respectively. 2) Random effect model (RE) show that lung cancer deaths caused by the smoke and dust decreased dramatically, and is significantly positive with deaths from respiratory diseases at 10% level. As the smoke and dust emissions increase 1%, the number of deaths from lung cancer and respiratory diseases correspondingly increase 0.207% and 0.467%, ) Using the area of pests and diseases as an instrument of forest area, endogeneity smoke and dust emissions are solved. Based on 3SLS, this study shows that forest area will significantly affect the level of smoke and dust emission,as forest area increase by 1%, the smoke and dust emissions reduce by 0.884% approximately. Whereas the smoke and dust emissions increase by 1%, the number of people dying from lung cancer and respiratory diseases will increase by 0.777% and 0.704%, value are higher than those obtained by OLS, and random effect model, which shows that the last two method underestimate the impacts of air pollution on public health. 4) Other control variables influence on residents of the respiratory system, the per capita GDP and population density exhibit positively effect on public health, whereas,health expenditure per capita for residents show negatively effect on public health at 1% significance level.It is indicated that as per capita health expenditure increase 1%, the deaths from lung cancer and respiratory will decrease 0.362% and 0.543%, respectively.【Conclusion】 Forest will improve the level of public health by absorbing smoke and dust emissions. In order to improve the level of public health, it is important that not only control pollution from the source through legal and enforcement measures, but also promote afforestation, increase forest coverage rate, expand absorption ability of the tree area, effectively improve the level of prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests, etc.
Key words: solids discharge; public health; smoke and dust; forest; environment; 3SLS
伴随着经济的高速增长,我国面临的环境污染问题日渐严重。据统计,世界污染最严重的20个城市中我国占据80%,我国七大流域水体中54%的水已经不适合居民饮用,空气中的粉尘、二氧化硫含量在全世界最高(乔晓楠等, 2012)。长时间反复出现的雾霾天气,尤其是可吸入颗粒物(PM10、PM2.5)是近3年社会普遍关注的焦点,被视为首要污染物,人们带口罩工作、生活、锻炼成为了网络上和现实生活中的真实写照。来华游客闻之色变,甚至还出现国外运动员因雾霾而放弃来我国比赛的现象。我国居民纷纷购置气净化器和口罩等,为体育活动提供过滤空气的“空气净化穹顶”也日益常见。空气质量恶化不仅有损大国形象,而且也强烈威胁着我国居民的身体健康。Wang等(2013)研究发现空气污染排在引发中国居民死亡10大因子中的第4位,并且主要以肺癌的形式导致居民死亡; Yuyu等(2013)发现中国淮河以北可吸入颗粒物浓度要比淮河以南高184 μg·m-3,将近高出55%,由此引发的心肺疾病等健康问题将使北方居民的预期寿命缩短5.52年,并指出如果居民长期暴露在颗粒物中,浓度每增加100 μg·m-3,出生预期寿命将减少3年。长期遭受空气污染、吸烟以及工作中接触致癌物增大了中国人患肺癌的风险。《全球癌症报告2014》显示,中国肺癌比率尽管低于绝大多数欧洲国家,但患肺癌人数远多于欧洲,并成为最普遍和最致命的癌症。智研数据中心(中国产业信息网, 2014)的研究表明,男性肺癌发病率和死亡率均占所有恶性肿瘤的第1位,女性发病率占第2位,死亡率占第1位。触目惊心的高发病率和死亡率使社会各界高度关注空气污染对国民健康的长远影响。
文章来源:《森林工程》 网址: http://www.slgcbjb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0523/422.html